Don't replace damaged concrete when our repair solutions can make the surfaces look new again!

With regards to making concrete repairs, you may have a couple of alternatives to look over, however, none can offer the toughness and adaptability of American Epoxy Flooring Services Industrial Coating's CR Mender.

This cost-effective solution can be utilized for breaks, vertical solid fix, harmed step fix, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. In case you're anticipating coating & concrete, having our fix framework applied first will make a smooth surface for a more extended enduring completion. Since 2010, American Epoxy Flooring Services has been a pioneer in mechanical coatings offering industry-driving guarantees and administration. Try not to supplant that broke solidly when our fix framework can give an elective arrangement that is without bother, moderate and compelling!

Cost-Effective Concrete Floor Repair Coating

Damaged concrete is unsightly, and even though the damage is sure to get worse over time, many homeowners aren’t sure how best to proceed when a crack appears. With our concrete floor repair coating, you’ll regain the smooth surface that you want, and the damage won’t even be noticeable!

All of our approved dealers are comprehensively trained in the proper installation of American Epoxy Flooring Services coatings. Other benefits of American Epoxy Flooring Services, include:

Rapid cure time
Extreme adhesion
Self-leveling properties
Effectiveness for vertical repairs
Repair of even deep impressions

In addition to CR Mender, we also offer CR Patch & Coat. This convenient and versatile putty can be used to patch pits and cracks with no cure time. Your local American Epoxy Flooring Services dealer will be pleased to explain your options and offer advice regarding the American Epoxy Flooring Services product that is best for your needs.

Learn More about Penntek’s Repair Solutions

If you have concrete in need of repair, or want to learn more about our floor coating systems, including our popular chip system, give us a call or fill out our online contact form to find a American Epoxy Flooring Services dealer near you!

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